Alliance Rank Structure

The Ranking Structure has changed and you may be affected. Please see the information below to understand why this may be the case.


Alliance Rankings Structure

Every alliance has the same rank names and permissions for ranking its members, but how each alliance chooses to utilise those ranks is up to each individual alliance Admiral.

Puppies with Plasma Cannons does not base rank purely on overall power rating. Trust, Loyalty, Activity and the show of growth and development are key elements in the decisions for ranks. Ranks are subject to change and will be monitored on a weekly basis where possible. A Database of all players is in effect which shows activity, as not all players are verbally active in chat and it would be unfair to single someone out just for that reason. That being said, it will limit the rank you can achieve within the alliance if you do not take an active part in discussions.

Rank Permisions.png



Admiral RickyRudebwoi

The Admiral is the Alliance Leader and will make any final decisions on Alliance matters. He is responsible for the effective and safe operation of the alliance and its members. An Admirals actions and personality must inspire loyalty in the members within the alliance under his command. The Admiral must rise above all prejudices and influences to make a sound and just decision. In order to carry out his duties effectively the Admiral must take the advice of his commanders and alliance members into consideration before making a final decision.


 Anyone who holds the Rank of Commodore, are the Senior members of the alliance. These are players who are active, loyal, trustworthy and show great potential as leaders in their own right. Some of these members have certain attributes they have utilised to prove themselves an extremely valuable member of the senior team, such as crew monitoring, recruitment and dismissal, game mechanics, leading raids. These players have the Admirals permission to promote or demote any member at their own discretion based on the structure laid out on this page.

“Number One” Commodore Cornish

The Admiral has a Second in charge known as “Number One” representative of a ships First Officer. This position is carried out by Commodore Cornish. Number One has complete autonomy of alliance command in the absence of the Admiral.


Anyone who holds the rank of Premier, are members of the alliance who are seen to be active in chat and showing growth and development. These players actively join in with raids and their views and suggestions are valued contributions to the alliance as a whole. This rank permissions allow Premiers to invite, kick, promote and demote alliance members, however it is requested that they seek higher permission first before promoting or demoting members and not to kick players from the alliance unless in extreme circumstances. Abusing this privilege may result in demotion or expulsion themselves.

These members are encouraged to seek promotion themselves when they see fit by submitting a promotion request with the admiral. Your application will them be discussed with the other Commodores prior to any promotion If deserved.


The operative Rank is for members who show activity but do not engage in lots of conversation within the chat function. This is in no way to signify they are not valued members, but as they tend to not involve themselves more in discussion, there is no requirement for them to hold a higher rank.


The rank of Agent serves 2 purposes.

First for new players who join the alliance for a period of approximately 1 week give or take. This is to allow them to settle into the alliance, to get to know the existing players, and us them. New players are encouraged to join in as much as possible.

Secondly for members close to expulsion for non-activity, growth or development. Members seen to be no longer active will be placed in this rank for a period up to 7 days maximum for close monitoring and will be removed from the alliance if need be to make way for newer players.